Spring Holistic Lifestyle Guide




Spring Into Being A Holistic Lifestyle Guide: Move with the Rhythm of Spring PDF Download Version Shared wisdom & knowledge from four seasoned wellness leaders with practices incorporated from Western Herbalism, Western Medicine, Medical Astrology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Eastern Herbalism and more. Includes Juice & Soup Cleanse Guidance and Recipes, 9 Guided Spring Aligned Practices, a Holistic Overview of Spring, 12+ Additional Resources to keep you inspired day after day, year after year. Return to this guide for a holistic cleansing experience each year to transition into Spring feeling renewed and rejuvenated.

This guide was created by:

Emily Werner of Living Wild

Michaela Kascak of Barefood&Barefoot

Lindsey Walker of Mockingbird Remedies

Amanda Hitchcock of Earth Witch Wellness

1 review for Spring Holistic Lifestyle Guide

  1. (1)


    Amazing! This wellness guide was so helpful and I learned so much. I felt so energized, nourished and alive after experiencing the soup and juice recipes! I really appreciated the additional lifestyle practices and resource links that helped me deepen my practices and self care routines. Thank you so much for creating this incredible seasonal resource!

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