True Connection Channeled From Plant Connection

Think of social spaces you have been in, that you know people and they know you. Spaces where, when you enter, others greet you with excitement and joy to see you, and you feel the same towards them. Spaces where you look forward to going to connect. How do you feel when you are entering into these spaces? Maybe excited, happy, vital…? What kind of feelings do they leave you with as you go back to your day to day life? Maybe contentment, peace, excitement to continue to nurture those relationships, a sense of belonging, gratitude, loved…?
Now, imagine if, in these settings and in every social space you have ever entered in your life (school, parties, a bar, work, business events, festivals, etc.) you didn’t know a single person and not a single person knew you. Maybe you have seen some of them before and they have seen you. But, imagine if you never took the time to get to know them and to share your story, or at the very least, exchange names.
How would you feel going into social settings? Maybe unwilling, nervous, anxious, unwelcome, discontent…? How would you feel in life in general? Maybe disconnected, unhappy, lonely…?
Now lets relate this to Nature… Imagine walking into a forest that you either live near or visit frequently and the first thing you see is a patch of flowers and leaves. How confident are you that you can name those flowers and leaves? If you are not confident that you may be able to name them, then you have not taken much (or any) time to properly introduce yourself to the forest, to the Plant, Tree, Fungi and Animal Kin that live there.
Being disconnected from Nature in this way can lead to those same feelings of disconnect, unhappiness and loneliness that you feel when not having reciporical relations to our Human Kin and can express as different types of aliments, such as depression and anxiety….Yet, sooo many of us are disconnected from these Kin.
If, when you walk into a forest, or past a flower blooming on the side of the road, or a vine crawling up the fence in your yard, you get down on your hands and knees, in the soil and greet the Kin in front of you and the soil, insects and other Kin surrounding it… If you ask them their story, and offer yours as well- you will rarely feel lonely. Instead, you may feel alone at times, but in peace, and never truly alone because you are surrounded by Kin!
Everywhere you go, there will be Kin ready to greet you, to listen and support, and for you to support to. When you are struggling in relation to Human Kin, go to the forest. Feel the loving embrace of your Non-Human Kin. The embrace of your Tree Kin, the grounding support of your Soil Kin, and the endless wisdom and guidance of your Plant Kin. All they will ask in return, is that you love and care for them too… For all of your Kin, Human and Non-Human Kin alike.
When you can connect with more and more of our Kin on this Earth, the more joy and vitality you will feel. This I promise.
Where does the word Kin come from?
– Robin Wall Kimmerer